We're on a mission to help millions of renters resolve repair issues quickly, and reduce the burden of unpredictable repair bills from landlords, blending beautifully simple technology with reliable service plans and 24/7 emergency response.
EVO was born in London in 2018. Starting small, in the trenches delivering smarter repairs for landlords and managing agents.
We've been on quite a journey since then, and learned a lot along the way. We got a ton of things right, but like any startup, we also got a few things wrong too! Humility is at the very heart of everything we do. By continuing to listen to the needs of our community, we're learning even more every single day, and helping to make repairs easier, faster and fairer for everyone.
To help us achieve our goals, we have assembled a team of seasoned property experts, service professionals, operational ninjas, company builders and technology wizards that match our global ambitions.
Co-founder, CTO & Product
Dean is the problem solver. He designed the core platform functionality and UX. He now oversees the platform and Evo’s comms. He previously spent 10 years within the high-end home automation market, turning complex systems into simple solutions for some of London’s finest homes.
Commercial Director
Craig Calder has spent almost all his working life in the property industry. He moved from his native South Africa to the UK in 1994 working first in the Kuwait Investment Office and then in the financial services sector for several years in management roles with Citigroup.
Non-Exec Director
Steve is a well-respected figure in the IoT and property industries, so has worked on technology projects for Apple, HP, Orange, Virgin Atlantic and others. Steve serves as an advisor for the Ring video doorbell and security company and was Director of Connected Home at Dixons Carphone.
A committed team with one aim - to have a meaningful impact in helping change people’s lives for the better.
Technology Advisor
Product Development Lead
Design Lead
Engagement Lead
Full Stack Developer
Mobile Developer
Software Developer
QA Engineer
Our dedicated and experienced helpdesk team have years of experience within the repairs and maintenance sector and are focussed on tenant and landlord satisfaction.
EVO Helpdesk Manager
EVO Helpdesk Manager
EVO Helpdesk Team Member
EVO Helpdesk Team Member
EVO Helpdesk Team Member
EVO Helpdesk Team Member
EVO Helpdesk Team Member
Accounts Lead
Join the team that is shaking up rental repair management. Before EVO, arranging repairs was frustrating and time consuming. We knew there must be better way, so set about fixing it, to make it easier, faster and fairer for everyone.
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